About us

Who are we?

Allow us to introduce you to the dynamic duo of the digital world: Humphrey and James! These two web enthusiasts are in their prime, with a passion for all things web security and privacy. They were and are early adopters of the latest internet trends and have their finger on the pulse of everything that goes on online.

Both are the ultimate champions of web security, dedicating their lives to helping others stay safe online. With their encyclopedic knowledge of all things digital, they offer free, honest advice that can’t be found anywhere else. And believe me, they looked. They know the power of privacy and are dedicated to ensuring that their clients’ data is protected at all times.

Their flair for flamboyance is legendary in the IT community, and their charisma is second to none. They are always the life of the party, bringing their unique blend of wit and humor to every conversation. They are true trendsetters, always ahead of the curve and leading the way for others to follow.

So if you’re looking for the ultimate web power duo, look no further than Humphrey and James. Their expertise, charm, and dedication to their craft make them the perfect choice for anyone looking to stay ahead in the digital world.

Why did we make this website?

Safe Dark Web (icon) © 2022Imagine looking for -any- answer and not finding an honest one. Frustrating, isn’t it? Despite our extensive searches online and offline, the information on how to safely navigate the web remained elusive. Nobody gave a straightforward answer. It seems that in this ever-changing digital landscape, there is an enormous lack of reliable and comprehensive guidance on how to stay safe online.

Many people like you have turned to search engines and online forums in search of answers, but the information they find is often outdated, incomplete, or simply incorrect. Even offline ‘respected’ resources like books and experts in the field often fall short in providing the most up-to-date information and practical tips.

As a result, there is a growing need for trustworthy and accessible resources to help individuals navigate the web safely and with confidence. Welcome to SDW, Safe Dark Web, we hope we can help you answer those important questions on how to stay safe online and guarantee your privacy (as much as possible).

“Is it free?”

Absolutely yes. All info is freely available.

“Are you collecting -any- personalized data about me?”

No we don’t. We respect your privacy. We even don’t use cookies on this website.

Enjoy your stay.

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