How to hide my IP address?

Hiding your IP address is a very effective method to guarantee your privacy by hiding your location and decreasing your traceability on the internet. Even when different methods are possible, it is the combination of various methods that guarantees success. Let’s answer one of the most asked questions: “How do I hide my IP address?”


Step 1: randomize your MAC address when connecting to Wi-Fi

Hide my IP-address step 1: get a private MAC-address.
(Photo: courtesy of Apple)

Many devices like iPhones offer you the option as a simple toggle to connect to a Wi-Fi with a (fake, private) MAC adress in stead of exposing your real MAC address. So, with this method your device cannot be tracked when connecting to different Wi-Fi’s with different IPs. One small step for you, one big step for privacy.

On Android and iOS the procedure is similar:

  • go to your standard settings-app
  • go to network or Wi-Fi settings
  • open the details of the Wi-Fi by link or (i)-icon
  • sometimes you need to click “advanced” and/or “privacy”
  • Enable “randomized MAC” or “Private Address

How to switch on private Wi-Fi (MAC) addresses for iPhone (Apple)


Step 2: use a VPN: the best answer on the question “How to hide my IP?”

With a Virtual Private Network you can ‘cloak’ your IP. Thanks to a VPN-service your IP can be anywhere in the world. When you use a VPN, your internet traffic is routed through a server located in a different country, and your IP address is masked by the server’s IP address. Easy peasy: activate the VPN, hide my IP, nothing to see!

Get the right VPN for you


P.S. Beware: only use Wi-Fi hotspots you trust. Do not use public Wi-Fi. You do not know who is listening in…


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