What is a virtual private network (VPN)?

VPN. You probably heard some friends talk about is as if it is the solution to all their internet worries. But what is a Virtual Private Network exactly, and how does it work?

So, what is a VPN?

First of all, you guessed correctly: VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. However, it has in reality nothing to do with “Virtual” or “Network”, but does ensure your privacy on the internet.

Imagine yourself surfing on the Internet. Your smartphone or computer constantly sends information to other places on the web, like a regular website for example. Your connection to and from that website you are visiting is somewhat secure (that’s what the ‘s’ in https stands for), but anyone with bad intentions, including the government, can see what it is your doing with minimal effort.

What is a Virtual Private Network exactly? (VPN)

Now imagine a concrete tube through which all your internet (encrypted) traffic goes, and nobody knows the origin of that tube, only you. That’s what a virtual private network is. Even the government can’t locate which country you’re actually surfing from.

This gives you loads of advantages:

  • A VPN helps you to hide your identity;
  • The data you transmit and receive is highly secured through a strong encryption
  • You can enjoy the freedom of access to all the information on the Internet, even in countries that censor some websites (or on websites that have different content from country to country (for example: streaming websites))

How does a Virtual Private Network work?

Whenever you use the Internet normally, “the internet knows”:

  • where you are located
  • who or what your are contacting
  • what you are transmitting and/or receiving

With a VPN you first contact a secure VPN-server. This service encrypts your data and routes (for you) your data on the internet. The server’s location can vary, anywhere in the world, and thus it becomes your new ‘point of origin’. In this way you also protect your location. The minimal fee you pay for the use of such a VPN is to keep those magical servers in the air, allowing you to pick and choose which one to use, based upon your needs.

What should you do?

Be smart. Get a VPN if you value your privacy and the safety of your data.

Which VPN should I choose?




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